Arqum GmbH - Unternehmensberatung für Umwelt-, und Klimaschutz, Energie und Nachhaltigkeit


The Waste Officer

You are responsible for the disposal of waste within your company? You want to make sure that all legal requirements are met? You would like to check whether you meet your obligations and take advantage of your rights? You want to discuss your questions/uncertainties with us? Then please visit our seminar!

Target group:
The seminar is aimed at waste officers as well as persons in the company responsible for waste management and verification.

The aim of the seminar is practical instruction on all responsibilities of a person responsible for waste and the relaying of new legal requirements in the field of waste management, as well as to provide practical tips. Due to the small number of participants, your individual questions can be answered.


    • Introduction to waste legislation and legal changes (e.g. Closed Substance Cycle and Waste Management Act, Verification Regulation)
    • Determination and collection of waste (e.g. waste code as per European Waste Catalogue, EWC)
    • Waste prevention and waste separation (policy approaches, organization, Commercial Wastes Regulation (GewAbfV), separation concepts)
    • Requirements for disposal and recycling (selection of the disposal company; verification procedure; joint disposal; monitoring and consignment note; digital verification procedure – relevant to whom?)
    • Organization of waste management in the company (the rights and obligations of the waste officer, appointment of the waste officer and documentation requirements)

Participation in this one-day seminar costs 330 euros per person plus VAT. The costs include catering during the event.


Date Time Location
28 Mar 2017 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Munich


You can register here: Registration form


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