

Project „ECOHOTEL Peru“ successfully launched

Climate Protection Project “ECOHOTEL Peru” Successfully Launched


Over the next two years Arqum is conducting – together with avanti GreenSoftware GmbH and Nessus Hoteles Peru S.A. (Casa Andina) – the model project “Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection Management in the Peruvian Hotel Sector”.
The aim of the project is, in addition to the introduction of practice-oriented approaches on raising energy efficiency, to implement concrete solutions for an operational climate protection management in the Peruvian hotel sector.

The basis of the project is an integrated training and consulting program, with which the energy efficiency and thus the emissions of climate-relevant greenhouse gases of 13 participating hotel locations of Casa Andina in Peru is to be demonstrably improved.

At the start of the project at the end of March this year in Lima, the technical directors and regional managers were initially sensitized and trained about the relevance and the opportunities of energy efficiency and climate protection management in the hotel sector.

Subsequently, individual consultation sessions were conducted at 13 hotel locations of Casa Andina in Peru. Taking stock of matters here resulted in initial approaches for the implementation of company-specific energy efficiency and climate protection measures being developed and relevant data being collected. There is already an indication that in addition to management-related programmes, good potential also exists for climate-efficient measures for the use of solar energy due to the local natural conditions. Solar power can, for instance, be used to operate air conditioners and solar thermal energy to heat process water for the hotels’ own laundries.

These measures will be systematically analysed and integrated into the hotel operation during the further course of the project with the help of avanti GreenSoftware, which is tailor-made for the hotel sector. In doing so, the potential already identified will be expanded on during additional local consultations, and the exchange of expertise will be further promoted in workshops and training sessions.

The project is part of the International Climate Initiative (ICI). The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) is funding the initiative based on a resolution of the German parliament.”

Your contact at Arqum: Jens Haubensak


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