This will be prepared for the Bonn and Berlin sites. The aim of the project is to develop a valid carbon footprint that covers the relevant emission sources of Scope 3 in addition to the emission sources from Scope 1 and 2. In doing so, the DAAD pursues an ambitious strategy of balancing as completely as possible already during the initial survey. The operational system boundary was defined with the help of a materiality analysis.
The preparation of the climate balance is also intended to serve as a basis for the establishment of an environmental management system. Since the extensive system boundary of the carbon footprint has already been used to collect various environmental data from the Bonn and Berlin sites (e.g. energy consumption, waste produced, water consumption, etc.), the most important environmental data is already available.
As in numerous other Arqum projects, the synergy between climate balances and environmental/energy management systems is evident here. Even if an environmental management system according to EMAS were to be introduced in the future, a large input for the necessary environmental statement would already be available. In addition, the environmental statement can be validated by the environmental verifier.
We are happy to support you in the preparation of climate and environmental balances and the combined introduction with management systems. Please contact us!
Contact persons at Arqum: Franziska Schmülling and Ellen Leibing