
Pilotprojekt: Klimabilanzen in Kultureinrichtungen

Pilot project: Climate balances in cultural institutions

In November 2020, Arqum launched a pilot project for the preparation of climate balances on behalf of the Federal Cultural Foundation.

In November 2020, Arqum was commissioned by the Federal Cultural Foundation to launch a pilot project to prepare climate assessments for 19 cultural institutions in Germany. The aim of Arqum’s consultancy was to develop a climate balance for Scopes 1, 2 and 3 for each institution within four months, as well as a programme of measures for avoidance and reduction. In addition, the process for preparing climate balances in the cultural sector was to be tested as a model in order to provide cultural institutions with a practical instrument for preparing future climate balances.


For the implementation, a mixture of workshops for all participating cultural institutions and appointments for individual support of the cultural institutions was offered. In a kick-off workshop, the procedure for preparing climate balances based on the standard of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol as well as the data collection via the AVANTI software were presented and discussed. Subsequently, Arqum supported the 19 institutions in the individual elaboration of their carbon footprints and action programmes. In a concluding workshop, the results of the project were presented and key figures discussed.

We are pleased to have supported the Federal Cultural Foundation and the cultural institutions in their entry into climate management.

Contact persons at Arqum:
Ellen Leibing and Maximilian Blaim

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