

Climate neutrality in the supply chain

Suppliers are thus required to make their processes and products available in a climate-neutral manner.

Automotive companies demand climate neutrality in the supply chain


“By 2039, our fleet of new passenger cars is to be CO2-neutral”, Daimler AG announces on its homepage. With this requirement, Daimler AG is focusing not only on its own business processes but also on the supply chain: “We think of climate protection holistically: our objective encompasses all stages of the value chain of the automobile – from development to the extraction of raw materials, production to the use phase and recycling. “1 This means that suppliers along the entire value chain are called upon to make their processes and products available in a climate-neutral manner.


Other automotive groups are also taking action: Volkswagen is focusing on stricter criteria for awarding contracts to suppliers through a new sustainability rating, which requires compliance and sustainability performance as binding selection criteria, as well as price and quality.2 In addition, Audi is also planning to make the entire supply chain CO2-neutral by 2050.3 BMW is also striving for a “sustainable supply chain for the entire industry” and plans to reduce its CO2 emissions by one third by 2030.4


The German automotive sector’s declarations of intent thus call for concrete steps towards climate neutrality along the entire supply chain.


This is where Arqum can provide you with tailor-made support. Start by drawing up an initial carbon footprint together with us and working out measures to reduce your company’s CO2 emissions. Within the framework of a GAP analysis, in which we jointly determine your strengths and potentials, we will work with you on the further roadmap and the necessary measures on the way towards climate neutrality.


Contact person at Arqum:
Ellen Leibing



1 “Ambition 2039: Unser Weg zur CO2-Neutralität”

2 “Saubere Mobilität beginnt schon bei den Zulieferern”

3 “Audi auf dem Weg zu CO2-neutralen Produktionsstandorten” (23.11.20)

4 “BMW knüpft Vorstandsgehälter an ehrgeizige Klimaziele” (18.07.20)


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