renewable & efficient

Energy consulting

Energy management (ISO 50001:2018)

The legal requirements for surveillance, monitoring and reducing the energy consumption of companies are becoming increasingly stringent. For energy-intensive companies in Germany, there is no way around systematic energy management.           

In addition, refunds of electricity and energy taxes, the so-called “Spitzenausgleich” (SpaEfV), are now only confirmed if an energy management system according to ISO 50001 or an enery audit according to DIN EN 16247 (or an environmental management system according to EMAS) can be proven.

Unsere Leistungen
Our services

Identification of the significant energy uses (SEUs)

Evaluation of significant energy uses based on KPIs and/or measurements

Creation of an energy monitoring concept

Conducting internal audits to verify the effectiveness of the management system

Pfeil rechts
Pfeil vertikal
Vorteile unserer Unternehmensberatung
Your advantages

Permanent added-value through quantifiable improvement measures

Identification of potential energy savings measures

Definition/identification of specific organisational energy targets

Cost savings through energy efficiency

Further information

To establish an energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001, we identify your main energy consumption areas, the SEUs (Significant Energy Uses), and align your existing processes with the requirements of ISO 50001:2018. Already during the implementation phase, initial energy efficiency measures are identified and prepared in action plans – e.g. for lighting, compressed air or ventilation/air conditioning. This enables us to derive and define concrete energy targets together with you right from the start. When introducing the management system and documenting it in a manual, we attach great importance to a lean system. If desired, we can integrate the energy management system into your existing systems and support you until successful certification.

Organisations which have already introduced a management system according to EMAS, ISO 14001 or ISO 9001 are well prepared for the establishment of an energy management system. In the case of ÖKOPROFIT or ECOfit, essential basics for the introduction of an energy management system have been developed already.

The focus of our consulting is primarily on the practical benefits for your company of carrying out an internal audit or a GAP analysis according to ISO 50001. Based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle (PDCA), ISO 50001 requires regular internal audits to check the effectiveness of the management system and to define improvement measures. We support you in this process to create lasting added value for your company.     

In addition to the use of our continuously developed audit instruments, the development of audit competencies in your company is a central task. For this purpose, we can provide training as part of a consulting assignment. Alternatively, your employees can participate in one of our seminars on the topic of internal audit ISO 50001.

Further topics

What can we do for you?

Contact us today. 


Customer projects energy management

Energy management system

Support for the implementation of a multissite energy management system according to ISO 50001.

Zeppelin GmbH

Environmental and energy management

Carrying out the annual internal audits according to ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 from 2020 to 2024.

Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH

Energy management

Support in the maintenance and further development of the energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001:2018.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Environmental and energy management

Conducting audits to increase legal certainty in environmental and energy law.


Energy audit

Carrying out an energy audit according to DIN 16247-1.

AGFA-Gevaert HealthCare GmbH

Energy audit

Carrying out an energy audit according to DIN 16247-1 (incl. reporting).

WWK Lebensversicherung a. G.

Energy audit

Carrying out an energy audit according to DIN 16247-1 (incl. reporting).

FES Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH

Energy audit

Carrying out an energy audit according to DIN 16247-1 (incl. reporting).

Balluff GmbH

Environmental and energy management

Annual auditing of the integrated management system according to ISO 14001/ ISO 50001 / ISO 45001.

HAWE Hydraulik SE

Environmental and energy management

Conducting regular compliance audits to increase legal certainty in environmental and energy law.

TUI Cruises GmbH

Energy management

Introduction of an environmental management system according to ISO 14001; implementation of internal audits according to ISO 50001:2018 and ISO 14001.

Käserei Champignon Hofmeister GmbH & Co. KG

Internationale cooperation

Conducting online trainings for energy advisors and companies in Vietnam, Bangladesh, India and Nepal to identify energy saving opportunities among the participating companies and to promote the exchange of experience and know-how transfer with a networking approach.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ GmbH

Environmental and enery management

Conducting audits to increase legal safety in environmental and energy law.


Further education and training

Seminars & Webinars


News Energy

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