Occupational health and safety
effective & safe

Occupational safety consulting

External appointments: Occupational safety specialist

In the area of occupational safety, it is a legal requirement in Germany and in many other countries as well that every organisation must be supervised by an occupational safety specialist (ASiG) and meet its responsibilities.

To ensure that important topics receive sufficient attention and are driven forward, we offer you the option of having us fill the position of occupational safety specialist and support you in implementing the legal obligations.

Unsere Leistungen
Our services

Support with risk assessments

Support with basic measures of work design, relationship prevention and behavioral prevention

Investigations after incidents

Consulting for employers and managers, company representatives, employees

Preparation of documentation

Participation in company meetings

Pfeil rechts
Pfeil vertikal
Vorteile unserer Unternehmensberatung
Your advantages

Practical implementation

Safety-related support by trained external specialists


What can we do for you?

Contact us today. 


Customer projects occupational safety

Occupational and Health Safety

Support with safety-related supervision (SiFa/FaSi). Carrying out inspections and risk analyses. Advice on occupational health and safety.

VollCorner Biomarkt GmbH

Occupational and Health Safety

Support with safety-related supervision (SiFa/FaSi). Carrying out inspections and hazard analyses. Advice on occupational health and safety.


Occupational and Health Safety

Carrying out a GAP analysis to determine the maturity level of an occupational health and safety management system according to ISO 45001.

Robert Bosch GmbH

Further education and training

Seminars & Webinars


News occupational safety