long-term & target-oriented

Climate consulting

From environmental management to climate management

A certified environmental management system according to ISO 14001, EMAS, ÖKOPROFIT or KLIMAfit forms an ideal basis for the development of more advanced climate management. Existing instruments such as environmental data collection and analysis of environmental indicators, the definition of targets and measures, and the environmental statement under EMAS are building blocks that can be used and expanded for climate management.

Unsere Leistungen
Our services

Preparation of a carbon footprint according to the requirements of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (or alternative standards such as ISO 14064)

Identification of relevant sources of GHG emissions in your company

Planning and implementation of the additional steps from environmental to climate management

Elaboration of tailored climate targets and measures

Support in external reporting (e.g. extension of the existing EMAS environmental statement, sustainability report according to GRI)


Pfeil rechts
Pfeil vertikal
Vorteile unserer Unternehmensberatung
Your advantages

Integration of new processes into your existing environmental management system including required documentation

Assessing the integrated processes by external verification


What can we do for you?

Contact us today. 


Customer projects climate

Climate and sustainability management

Support in establishing climate and sustainability management.


Climate management

Support in the preparation of a guideline for greenhouse gas neutral administration.

Umweltbundesamt UBA

Climate management

Carrying out a product carbon footprint.

Gunvor Raffinerie Ingolstadt GmbH

Environmental and climate management

Accompanying and supporting the achievement of climate neutrality; climate accounting according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol;
Support in maintaining and further developing the environmental management system according to EMAS.

Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)

Climate management

Support in determining Scope 3 emissions according to the GHG Protocol.

Werner & Mertz


Conduct a greenhouse gas accounting convoy of 19 federal cultural institutions.

Kulturstiftung des Bundes

Climate management

Support in the development of a GHG balance for Scope 1-3 and the development of 81 measures to reduce direct and indirect GHG emissions.


Further education and training

Seminars & Webinars


News climate