
The Risk Prevention Officer

You are responsible for hazardous materials in your plant? You need practical tips and training plans for the implementation of the CLP Regulation? You want safety in the storage and handling of hazardous materials? You have questions regarding hazardous materials/your field of activity? Then you should attend this seminar!

Target group:
The seminar is aimed at those persons who are responsible for hazardous materials in the company.

The aim of the seminar is, through the training of the responsible persons, to ensure storage and safe handling of hazardous materials in the company, and to inform about the new legal requirements.


    • Legal basis, such as
    • Handling dangerous substances (CLP Regulation, REACH, GefStoffV , TRGS)
    • Requirements of the AwSV (ordinance on installations handling materials hazardous to water)
    • Handling of flammable liquids (BetrSichV, TRbF)

Implementation of the legal requirements in the company, e.g.

    • Carrying out the risk assessment
    • Requirements for hazardous-materials storage sites
    • Dealing with safety data sheets and operating instructions
    • Use of protective equipment, first-aid measures
    • Rules for disposal of hazardous substances
    • Transportation of hazardous materials

Rights and obligations of the risk prevention officer, e.g.

    • Content of job descriptions for the officer
    • Regular tasks of the officer
    • Documentation requirements

Proposals for action, e.g.

    • Involvement of purchasing department
    • Inventory, hazmat index
    • Reduction of product diversity, replacements for problematic materials

Participation in this one-day seminar costs 330 euros per person plus VAT. The costs include catering during the event.


Date Time Location
21 Feb 2017 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Munich
16 Mar 2017 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Frankfurt
26 Apr 2017 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hanover
22 Aug 2017 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Frankfurt
11 Oct 2017 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Munich
18 Oct 2017 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hanover


You can register here: Registration form


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