Environmental consulting
The cooperation project ÖKOPROFIT® (Ecological Project For Integrated Environmental Technology) developed in Graz, Austria, connects cities and districts with local businesses to address ecological issues. Together with the state capital of Munich, Arqum introduced and spread the project in Germany in 1998. The goal is environmental protection with profit: to improve corporate environmental protection with ecologically sensible measures and reduce costs at the same time.
Support for the organisations through joint workshops and individual consulting
Updated and useful working materials and tools.

Positioning as an environmentally conscious company with visibility in the region
Expansion of contacts with local authorities
Exchange of experience other participants
Smooth start to start implementing an environmental, energy or climate management system.
Weiterführende Informationen ÖKOPROFIT®
Die teilnehmenden Unternehmen werden in dreifacher Hinsicht von uns begleitet:
Im Rahmen von gemeinsamen Workshops tauschen sich die teilnehmenden Unternehmen über ihre Erfahrungen aus und arbeiten an der konkreten Umsetzung von Verbesserungsmaßnahmen (z.B. Abfallmanagement, Ressourcenschutz, Energieeinsparung). Dabei profitieren alle Unternehmen vom gemeinsamen Wissen und Lernen voneinander. Durch individuelle und maßgeschneiderte Umweltberatung an der Betriebstätte der TeilnehmerInnen werden praxisbezogene Maßnahmen vor Ort erarbeitet und umgesetzt. Den TeilnehmerInnen werden regelmäßig aktuelle Umweltschutz-Arbeitsmaterialien zur Verfügung gestellt, in denen alle wichtigen und relevanten Informationen enthalten sind.
Zu folgenden laufenden Projekten können Sie sich gerne anmelden:
- ÖKOPROFIT® München für Volksfestbetriebe 2020
- ÖKOPROFIT® Landkreis Esslingen
- ÖKOPROFIT® Hannover
- ÖKOPROFIT® Hochtaunus
- ÖKOPROFIT® Koblenz/Mayen-Koblenz/Mainz-Bingen/Bad Kreuznach
- ÖKOPROFIT® Frankfurt
Zum Anmeldeformular gelangen Sie hier.
Eine kurze Übersicht über ÖKOPROFIT® finden Sie in diesem Video.
ECOfit / KLIMAfit
ECOfit and sustainable management are based on a funding guideline for corporate environmental protection that was valid until 2021 and were an offer of the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Management Baden-Württemberg.
The ECOfit funding programme was supported by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for the Environment, Climate and the Energy Sector from 2005 to 2021. Now, with KLIMAfit, a new funding programme has been launched, in which Arqum supports the pilot projects.
Aktualisierte und praxisbezogene Umweltschutz-Arbeitsmaterialien
Information der TeilnehmerInnen zu verschiedenen Themen des betrieblichen Umweltschutzes durch praxisorientierte Workshops Betreuung der Unternehmen durch gemeinsame Workshops und individuelle Umweltberatung

Reduktion der negativen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt
Auszeichnung durch das Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg
Senkung der Betriebskosten
Positionierung als umweltbewusstes Unternehmen mit Sichtbarkeit in der Region
Vorbereitung für Einführung eines Umwelt- oder Energiemanagementsystems
Weiterführende Informationen ECOfit
- ECOfit Stadt und Landkreis Ludwigsburg
- ECOfit Stadt und Landkreis Calw und Freudenstadt
- ECOfit Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis
- ECOfit Rems-Murr-Kreis
- ECOfit Light Lörrach
Customer projects Environment

Environmental and energy management
Carrying out the annual internal audits according to ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 from 2020 to 2024.

Environmental and energy management
Conducting audits to increase legal certainty in environmental and energy law.

Environmental management ISO 14001
Continuous support in maintaining and further developing the environmental management system according to ISO 14001 and conducting regular compliance audits.

Environmental and energy management
Annual auditing of the integrated management system according to ISO 14001/ ISO 50001 / ISO 45001.

Environmental management EMAS
Accompanying the introduction of an environmental management system according to EMAS.

Environmental and climate management
Greenhouse gas balancing based on ISO 14064 for the municipal administration of the City of Munich.

Environmental and climate management
Accompanying and supporting the achievement of climate neutrality; climate accounting according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol;
Support in maintaining and further developing the environmental management system according to EMAS.

Environmental and energy management
Conducting regular compliance audits to increase legal certainty in environmental and energy law.

Environmental management
Carrying out the annual environmental audit according to EMAS as well as compliance audits.

Environmental management
Support in the maintenance and further development of the environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001:2015; position of waste management officer.

Environmental and enery management
Conducting audits to increase legal safety in environmental and energy law.
Further education and training
Seminars & Webinars
News Environment
BMU funding programme: Air-conditioning guideline
Greenhouse gas neutral administration
Avoidance of carbon leakage
Climate neutrality in the supply chain
With Arqum to climate neutrality – also with offsetting
PAS 2060 – Climate neutrality
With the CO2 quick check to the CO2 balance
Arqum supports federal administration in climate neutrality
Pilot project: Climate balances in cultural institutions
Product Carbon Footprint in product development
Current analysis of sustainability reports
Guideline: “Greenhouse Gas Neutral Administration”
Sustainability reporting – what lies ahead for companies?
TA Luft 2021 finally passed after long negotiations
No revision of ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 for the time being
Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) passed
Arqum launches new energy efficiency project in China
Development of a new module: EMAS+ Sustainability Management
Climate neutrality of the Cultural Events
Ordinance on the settlement of heating costs
Weitere Themen
Ihr Ansprechpartner

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Jörn Peter
Büro München
Tel.: +49 (0)89 12109940