CSR / Sustainability
responsible & committed

CSR/Sustainability consulting

Gap assessment sustainability

Considering sustainability aspects along the value chain becomes increasingly important. It begins with fair and effective contractual structures with suppliers, continues with the design of the workplace for your own employees and extends to aspects of the circular economy in the recycling of products at the end of their life cycle.


Together with you, we develop a clear and practical overview of the status quo in the field of sustainability in your company.

Unsere Leistungen
Our services

Carrying out an as-is analysis: determining the status quo on the topics of economy, ecology and social issues

Identification of legal requirements in the area of sustainability

Presentation of particular strengths in sustainability management as well as presentation of potentials


Pfeil rechts
Pfeil vertikal
Vorteile unserer Unternehmensberatung
Your advantages

Creation of a basis for the development of a sustainability strategy and/or a sustainability report

Awareness of strengths and potentials in sustainability management


What can we do for you?

Contact us today.


Kundenprojekte CSR / Nachhaltigkeit

Climate and sustainability management

Support in establishing climate and sustainability management.


Fort- und Weiterbildung

Seminare & Webinare


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