or further development
of your environmental management system.

of climate strategies
and calculation of carbon footprints.

energy efficiency and help you with the transition
of decarbonising your energy mix.

implementation of an occupational health
and safety management.

or further development
of your quality management.

foster sustainability
along your value-chain.

in the introduction of a
sustainability management and reporting.

ensure legal compliant operations.
Our services
How can we help you?
We support you on environmental management according to ISO 14001 and EMAS, ÖKOPROFIT®, KLIMAfit and prepare you optimally for certifications.
We are the right partner to support you with the establishment of climate strategies or the calculation of corporate carbon footprints (CCF) or product carbon footprints (PCF).
We support you on energy management (ISO 50001, ISO 50005) conduct energy efficiency audits (DIN EN 16247-1, ISO 50002) and support you in the context of energy networks.
Occupational safety
Occupational safety has become is a central task at any organisation. We work with you to implement occupational health and safety management (HSE) in accordance with the international standard ISO 45001.
Higher quality and satisfied customers. Trust us as your partner in quality management according to ISO 9001 and EFQM.
International solutions and cooperation are becoming increasingly relevant. Arqum is the right partner for the global implementation of your climate and sustainability strategies.
CSR / Sustainability
We advise you on corporte sustainability management (CSR) and support you developing credible and implementable CSR strategies.
Legal compliance is a key corporate objective and relevant requirement for management systems. We support you with targeted services on the way to a legally compliant organisation.
About us
Arqum stands for occupational safety, quality and environmental management. We advise companies, municipalities and districts as well as government agencies at national and international level on the path to sustainable business practices. For this purpose, we develop practice-oriented management concepts and innovative solutions in the areas of environmental and climate protection, sustainability, resource and energy efficiency, occupational safety, quality and international cooperation.
About us
In action for you
We serve our clients in a trusting cooperation with great personal commitment, first-class professional services and customised and realistic project management.
With our enthusiasm for sustainability issues and extensive consulting experience, we are committed to the lasting improvement of our clients’ competitiveness.
Our partners
Stronger together
Together with our partners, we work towards the goal of a sustainable future and economy.
We develop solutions tailored to the individual needs of our customers and in direct cooperation with our partners, which enable employees to perform their daily tasks easier and better.
You can view all our partners here.
Always up-to-date
EU Supply Chain Act
News on the EU’s planned sustainability reporting obligation (CSRD)
Supply Chain Act – Federal Government reaches agreement
BMU funding programme: Air-conditioning guideline
Greenhouse gas neutral administration
Measurement obligation for third-party quantities postponed
Avoidance of carbon leakage
Climate neutrality in the supply chain
With Arqum to climate neutrality – also with offsetting
PAS 2060 – Climate neutrality
German Supply Chain Act clears final hurdle
With the CO2 quick check to the CO2 balance
Arqum supports federal administration in climate neutrality
Pilot project: Climate balances in cultural institutions
Product Carbon Footprint in product development
Current analysis of sustainability reports
Guideline: “Greenhouse Gas Neutral Administration”
Sustainability reporting – what lies ahead for companies?
TA Luft 2021 finally passed after long negotiations
No revision of ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 for the time being
Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) passed
Arqum launches new energy efficiency project in China
Development of a new module: EMAS+ Sustainability Management
Climate neutrality of the Cultural Events
Alternative to owning a car – car sharing
Ordinance on the settlement of heating costs
PartnerAfrica project with UBW
Development of the German Training Week – Energy Efficiency
Sustainability management at AGAPLESION
Further education and training
Seminars & Webinars
customer projects

Climate and sustainability management
Support in establishing climate and sustainability management.

Energy management system
Support for the implementation of a multissite energy management system according to ISO 50001.

Environmental and energy management
Carrying out the annual internal audits according to ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 from 2020 to 2024.

Energy management
Support in the maintenance and further development of the energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001:2018.

Environmental and energy management
Conducting audits to increase legal certainty in environmental and energy law.

Climate management
Support in the preparation of a guideline for greenhouse gas neutral administration.

Energy audit
Carrying out an energy audit according to DIN 16247-1.

Energy audit
Carrying out an energy audit according to DIN 16247-1 (incl. reporting).

Energy audit
Carrying out an energy audit according to DIN 16247-1 (incl. reporting).

Energy audit
Carrying out an energy audit according to DIN 16247-1 (incl. reporting).

Quality management
Support within the framework of the quality management system as well as carrying out internal audits according to ISO 9001.

Environmental management ISO 14001
Continuous support in maintaining and further developing the environmental management system according to ISO 14001 and conducting regular compliance audits.

International consulting
Support for the initiation and implementation of energy efficiency networks in Jordan. Development of energy efficiency measures in the participating companies and promotion of the exchange of experience and know-how transfer on the network platform.

Occupational and Health Safety
Support with safety-related supervision (SiFa/FaSi). Carrying out inspections and risk analyses. Advice on occupational health and safety.

Environmental and energy management
Annual auditing of the integrated management system according to ISO 14001/ ISO 50001 / ISO 45001.

Environmental management EMAS
Accompanying the introduction of an environmental management system according to EMAS.

Climate management
Carrying out a product carbon footprint.

Environmental and climate management
Greenhouse gas balancing based on ISO 14064 for the municipal administration of the City of Munich.

Environmental and climate management
Accompanying and supporting the achievement of climate neutrality; climate accounting according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol;
Support in maintaining and further developing the environmental management system according to EMAS.

Environmental and energy management
Conducting regular compliance audits to increase legal certainty in environmental and energy law.

Quality management
Support within the framework of the quality management system and implementation of internal audits according to ISO 9001.

Energy management
Introduction of an environmental management system according to ISO 14001; implementation of internal audits according to ISO 50001:2018 and ISO 14001.

Occupational and Health Safety
Support with safety-related supervision (SiFa/FaSi). Carrying out inspections and hazard analyses. Advice on occupational health and safety.

Environmental management
Carrying out the annual environmental audit according to EMAS as well as compliance audits.

Climate management
Support in determining Scope 3 emissions according to the GHG Protocol.

Conduct a greenhouse gas accounting convoy of 19 federal cultural institutions.

Climate management
Support in the development of a GHG balance for Scope 1-3 and the development of 81 measures to reduce direct and indirect GHG emissions.

Internationale cooperation
Conducting online trainings for energy advisors and companies in Vietnam, Bangladesh, India and Nepal to identify energy saving opportunities among the participating companies and to promote the exchange of experience and know-how transfer with a networking approach.

Environmental management
Support in the maintenance and further development of the environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001:2015; position of waste management officer.

Occupational and Health Safety
Carrying out a GAP analysis to determine the maturity level of an occupational health and safety management system according to ISO 45001.

International cooperation
Conduct training and provide practical support to suppliers in Mexico in implementing environmental and resource protection measures.

International cooperation
Conducting online training courses on water and wastewater management for companies in Azerbaijan in cooperation with the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce Abroad in order to raise awareness of the sustainable use of water as a resource and to be able to implement effective measures to conserve resources.

Environmental and enery management
Conducting audits to increase legal safety in environmental and energy law.