advanced & solution-oriented

Environmental consulting

External representatives 

In order to ensure that important topics receive sufficient attention and are advanced, you can assign the following officer functions externally through Arqum and thus benefit from efficient and reliable implementation:

  • Waste Officer (according to § 54 Krw-/AbfG),
  • Hazardous Goods Officer (according to §§ 1, 1b GbV),
  • Water Protection Officer (according to § 64 WHG),
  • Immission Control Officer (in accordance with § 53 BImSchG),
  • Environmental Management Officer (in accordance with EMAS/ISO 14001).

As external representatives, we carry out site inspections at your premises, update relevant documents and pass on our knowledge to you and your employees. In addition, we evaluate operational environmental data, follow-up on anomalies, inform you about legal updated and support you in the implementation of suitable improvement measures. Together with you, we regulate the exact tasks and responsibilities according to your individual requirements and wishes.

Unsere Leistungen
Our services

Implementation and continuation of an environmental management system e.g. according to EMAS or ISO 14001

Implementation of internal audits (incl. compliance audit) and GAP assessments

Assumption of the function as external environmental management representative

Targeted preparation for certifications and assessments

Development of audit competencies: Capability to independently conduct internal audits (training of internal auditors)

Pfeil rechts
Pfeil vertikal
Vorteile unserer Unternehmensberatung
Your advantages

Targeted, efficient and successful introduction of an environmental management system

Identification of weaknesses in the existing environmental management system

Identification and support in the implementation of suitable corrective and improvement measures

Utilization of the many years of experience of our employees

Within networks/group projects: Exchange of experience, practical examples and extensive networking opportunities

What can we do for you?

Contact us today. 


Customer projects Environment

Environmental and energy management

Carrying out the annual internal audits according to ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 from 2020 to 2024.

Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH

Environmental management ISO 14001

Continuous support in maintaining and further developing the environmental management system according to ISO 14001 and conducting regular compliance audits.

WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG

Environmental and energy management

Annual auditing of the integrated management system according to ISO 14001/ ISO 50001 / ISO 45001.

HAWE Hydraulik SE

Environmental management EMAS

Accompanying the introduction of an environmental management system according to EMAS.

Augustiner-Bräu Wagner KG

Environmental and climate management

Accompanying and supporting the achievement of climate neutrality; climate accounting according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol;
Support in maintaining and further developing the environmental management system according to EMAS.

Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)

Environmental management

Carrying out the annual environmental audit according to EMAS as well as compliance audits.

Druckerei Lokay e.K.

Environmental management

Support in the maintenance and further development of the environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001:2015; position of waste management officer.

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG

Further education and training

Seminars & Webinars

Aktuelle Informationen

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