Arqum GmbH - Unternehmensberatung für Umwelt-, und Klimaschutz, Energie und Nachhaltigkeit



Energy efficiency in municipal facilities

Increase of energy efficiency in municipal facilities: Attractive funding program of the Federal Office of Economic Affairs and Export Control:


In municipal facilities there are often large savings potentials, but there is a lack of resources and appropriate projects to improve matters. The Federal German government has reacted to this and provides attractive funding based on the directive – “Energy consulting and energy efficiency networks for local authorities and non-profit organizations”. Initiation of local energy efficiency networks is specifically funded.ähler.jpg

In an energy efficiency network, measures for the reduction of energy consumption are presented and findings on their implementation and effectiveness exchanged over a period of three years in workshops (“network meetings”). In order to measure the success of a network, a joint energy efficiency target is defined at the outset. The extent to which the objective is achieved is regularly reviewed and evaluated at the end of the networking. In addition to joint workshops, an energy audit as part of individual consulting appointments is carried out for local authority facilities such as schools, depots and swimming pools. The aim is to identify the main energy consumers and potentials so that planning measures can be initiated at the right places.

Participation in a municipal energy efficiency network is highly cost effective due to the scope of funding provided by the Federal Office of Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA). In this way, networking costs of up to 70% in the first year and up to 50% in the following years are funded. All relevant information on the funding can be found on the website of the BAFA.


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