
Heating optimization – Funding possible

Funding program of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) for heating optimization: Up to 30% off the costs for pump replacement and heating optimization:


The Federal government has set itself the objective of achieving a virtually climate-neutral building stock by 2050. Approximately 35% of energy consumption and approximately one third of greenhouse gas emissions are accounted for by buildings. In order to utilise existing saving potentials, the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) now provides an important impetus by promoting new heating systems and optimizing existing ones. Energy savings of 70 to 80% can come from installing modern pumping systems.

Replacement and installation of highly efficient recirculation and hot water circulation pumps will be funded within the context of replacement investment schemes (measures for new buildings are not eligible). A list of pumps eligible for funding can be found here.

In addition, heating optimization from flow balancing will also be funded. Optimization measures in association with the balancing, such as pre-adjustable thermostat valves or buffer storage, are also optionally covered by the funding.

The allowances granted are up to 30% of the fundable net expenditure. The maximum funding amount for each operation is 25,000 euros.

Private individuals are also eligible in addition to companies, freelancers, municipalities and other legal persons.

It is important to note that online registration via BAFA has to take place in advance of the measure being started. In a second step following implementation of the measure – but within six months at the latest – details relevant to the application have to be transmitted online. The subsequently generated application is then to be sent together with the necessary documents to BAFA.


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