
Stromzähler im Haushalt

Introduction of an Energy Management System for SME

UFOPLAN-research project, “Development of a systematic procedure for the gradual introduction of an Energy Management system (EnMS) for SMEs using the example of selected industries”:


As of now, Arqum is implementing together with its project partners – on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Reactor Safety – a new research project for the development of a 3-stage process to make it easier for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to introduce an Energy Management System. The focus is here on a user-friendly structure of the three stages for SMEs, whereby stages 1 and 2 already include a systematic approach for the identification of energy-saving potentials. A further aim of this project is to test the drawn-up proposals with six SME companies from industry, commerce, trade and services and to help the contracting authority with the structuring of an appropriate standardisation proposal. The undertaking is planned to run until February 2019.

Small and medium-sized enterprises interested in participation can contact us. The participants benefit within the framework of the project from free advice as well as support for the development of an Energy Management System and the identification of potential savings. Therefore, this participation provides a sound grounding on your path to the ISO 50001.

Your contact at Arqum: Dr. Uwe Götz


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