

Online Training – Energy Efficiency in India, Nepal, Bangladesh & Vietnam

From September to the end of November 2020, Arqum will conduct a broadly based online training course on energy efficiency for companies in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Vietnam. The project was initiated by GIZ’s internal sector network TUEWAS (Transport, Environment, Energy and Water in Asia). Currently, TUEWAS connects over 60 projects in 16 Asian countries in the fields of transport, environment, energy and water.

The TUEWAS working group on energy efficiency specifically promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of energy efficiency in Asia. With the project “Introducing a facility in-house mechanism to trigger energy efficiency behavior among industrial consumers through online support to increase the productivity and mitigate carbon emission” this working group has now started a project in which small energy efficiency groups (SEEGs) are formed in Vietnam, Bangladesh, India and Nepal. The main aim is that these SEEGSs can, accompanied by a national consultant, identify energy saving opportunities, prepare measures and also present them convincingly to top management and thus implement them.

Arqum, as an international team of consultants, supports both the companies directly as well as the national consultants. Training workshops on energy saving measures and energy management systems provide knowledge to evaluate energy efficiency projects both technically and financially and to prepare action plans. In addition, the national consultants are provided with working materials and trained in their use. Through online consulting appointments, Arqum works very closely with the companies. Furthermore, Arqum provides support both in the development of measures and in the presentation of energy saving measures to top management.

During the project, common exchange (of information/experiences) is crucial to achieve a sustainable learning success. For this purpose, measures taken within the project period are evaluated by the participants and Arqum. At the end of the project, the most successful energy-saving measures will be awarded.

Contact persons at Arqum: Philipp Poferl, Thilo Baar


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