
Development of a Climate Protection Strategy – DZ BANK Group

Development of a Climate Protection Strategy – DZ BANK Group


In autumn 2016, Arqum was commissioned by the DZ BANK Group to support the development of a common climate strategy.

The project kick-off consisted of a series of four workshops in which Arqum, together with the participating companies, initially drafted climate risks and stakeholder expectations of the corporate group as a basis for deriving objectives with measures packages. The strategy was substantiated on the basis of the emission data of the participating companies as collected during 2017. First, the emission sources were broken down and a substantiality analysis was carried out to assess the quantity of emissions as well as the relevance and the control potential.
The “essential” emission sources were then quantified and used to define an objective. Taking into account current emissions and in accordance with the existing political objective, a strategy was developed on how much CO2 is to be saved by 2050. The achievement of the objective will be supported through regular meetings of the companies to discuss the defined measures packages and compare findings.

If you are also interested in the development of a climate strategy, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Your contact at Arqum: Ellen Leibing


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