

Innovations and assistance in waste legislation

The new LAGA leaflet defines the scope of application, requirements and documentation obligations of the GewAbfV for commercial municipal waste as well as construction and demolition waste. The “Catalogue of packaging subject to system participation” published for 2019 provides assistance for companies as to which type of packaging is subject to registration.

On 11.02.2019, the German Committee of the Federal States and the Federal Government on Disposal Matters (LAGA) published the final version of the implementation instructions for the German Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAbfV) (Announcement 34). This provides additional assistance in fulfilling the obligations arising from the GewAbfV.

Among other things, the LAGA leaflet defines in detail the scope of application, requirements and documentation obligations of the GewAbfV – both for commercial municipal waste and for construction and demolition waste. It also contains information on conditions under which the exceptions (technical impossibility, commercial unreasonableness) can apply.

Catalogue of packaging subject to registration (VerpackG)

The foundation “Central Office Packaging Register” (Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister) has published a final edition of the ‎‎”Catalogue of packaging subject to system participation” for 2019. This means that packaging filled with goods by the manufacturer are subject to registration from now on. Companies that place packaging on the market can use the catalogue as an aid to find out whether there is a registration obligation or not. The catalogue is revised annually and can be found here.

Your contact at Arqum: Magdalena Fleischmann


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