Avoidance of carbon leakage

Arqum führt ein spannendes Pilotprojekt zur Einführung eines Klimamanagement auf Basis von EMAS durch.

With the Fuel Emissions Trading Act, a CO2 levy on fuels placed on the market was introduced on 01.01.2021.

International Online Training: Water Management in Azerbaijan

In collaboration with the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (AHK Azerbaijan), Arqum organized an online training course on water and wastewater management for companies from various industries, state institutions and municipal service providers. The course took place in several online seminars between mid-September 2020 and the end of October 2020. In countries such as Azerbaijan, water […]

Carbon Footprint of Video Streaming

Video transmission using fiber optics almost 50 times more efficient than via UMTS Many people are not aware that surfing the Internet and streaming movies and music leads to considerable CO2 emissions. For example, video streaming in HD quality causes large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions, depending on the transmission technology. The technology used to […]

Freight bikes for business and private use


Have you ever thought about buying a freight bicycle? – With a transport weight of up to 300 kg, the use of freight bikes is particularly attractive in an enterprise context. Find out here about funding options and various models. Traffic jams, a lack of parking spaces and noise are the main features of everyday […]

Innovations and assistance in waste legislation


The new LAGA leaflet defines the scope of application, requirements and documentation obligations of the GewAbfV for commercial municipal waste as well as construction and demolition waste. The “Catalogue of packaging subject to system participation” published for 2019 provides assistance for companies as to which type of packaging is subject to registration. On 11.02.2019, the […]

Climate Protection Act Enters into Force

The new German Climate Protection Act (Bundes-Klimaschutzgesetz) entered into force on 18 December 2019. As the first government in the world, the German government has thus made binding a national climate protection target. The German Climate Change Act (KSG) is intended to ensure that A) national climate protection targets such as the 2050 Climate Protection […]

Together on the Path to Climate Management

Arqum wird Standardgeber von Green Shape, einem von VAUDE entwickelten Standard für umweltfreundliche Outdoor-Produkte.

Climate protection is arguably the greatest challenge of our time. The topic is becoming ever more prominent on the international and national political agenda.     Despite this development, the climate targets adopted can only be achieved by active involvement of the private sector. More and more companies and organisations are taking up this challenge […]

Customization Options for Certifications (COVID-19)

In reaction to the restrictions on social and economic life due to the 2019-2020 coronavirus pandemic, the accreditation bodies DAU and DAkkS have adapted their certification regulations or pointed out possibilities for adaptation. The following information has been published so far: DAU – Deutsche Akkreditierungs- und Zulassungsgesellschaft für Umweltgutachter mbh (German Accreditation and Licensing Body […]

Amendment of ISO 14064 on greenhouse gas balance and verification


The amendments to ISO 14064 have been published successively since 2018. Read more about the most important changes here. Combating and restricting the effects of climate change is one of the key challenges of our time. Against this background, stringent balancing of greenhouse gas emissions is increasingly important for transparent reporting and implementation of climate […]

„Zero Waste Netzwerk“

“Zero Waste Netzwerk” zur Vermeidung von Einwegkunststoff   Alleine in Deutschland fallen jährlich pro Kopf durchschnittlich mehr als 30 kg Kunststoffverpackungsabfälle an. Auch das Auftreten von Mikroplastik selbst in den entlegensten Regionen der Erde, ist inzwischen ein bekanntes Problem. Ob als Unternehmen oder Privatperson: nutzen Sie die zunehmenden Möglichkeiten, um bewusst auf Kunststoffverpackungen verzichten. Dass […]

Conference on Sustainable Business…

Looking back: Conference on “Sustainable Business Management for the Agenda 2030 – Business Contribution to the Global Sustainability Goals” on 9th November 2018 at the Federal Ministry of the Environment How can companies make a greater contribution to achieving the goals of the German Sustainability Strategy and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? What is the […]

Initial successes for “climate-neutral BMZ 2020”

Initial successes for “climate-neutral BMZ 2020” In December 2017, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) initiated the project “climate-neutral BMZ 2020”. Since January 2018, Arqum GmbH has been supporting the BMZ, together with their client “PD – Berater der öffentlichen Hand GmbH” (adviser to the public sector), in the strategic and operational […]

The BMU/UBA Conference on “Sustainable…

The BMU/UBA Conference on “Sustainable Business Management for the Agenda 2030 – Business Contribution to the Global Sustainability Goals”     On November 9th 2018, the conference on “Sustainable Business Management for the Agenda 2030 – the Business Contribution to the Global Sustainability Goals” will take place in Berlin at the Federal Ministry of the […]

Operational Mobility Management Freiburg

Operational Mobility Management Freiburg   The working group “Umweltfreundlich zum Betrieb” (Environmentally-friendly (commuting) to work) was launched in Freiburg in 1991. This working group is a merger of works councils, staff councils and corporate environmental groups from the Freiburg area committed to more environmentally-friendly commuting. The “Öko-Verkehrs-Siegel” (Eco transportation label) is a successful project of […]

Regional “Superfood” – Sustainable Alternatives

Regional “Superfood” – Sustainable Alternatives to Açai, Chia, Goji and Co.   Exotic “super foods” are very much in vogue. The business with exciting sounding seeds, berries, nuts and other highly-promising vegetable ingredients has in recent years developed into one worth millions in Germany. The sales of chia seeds alone have developed in recent years […]

Packaging Regulation – New Law

Packaging regulation superseded by a new law: VerpackG :   The new packaging law (VerpackG) will enter into force on 1st January 2019 and replace the currently valid packaging regulation. Individual transitional provisions already came into effect on 13th July 2017. The packaging law regulates the circulation, return and recycling of packaging. The aim of […]

Environmental Tip – First Quarter

Sustainability criteria for financial Investments:     More and more people want to avoid their money being invested in companies from the oil and coal industry, weapons corporations or other ethically and ecologically questionable enterprises or projects. For all forms of financial investments – whether it be a current account, savings account, investment funds or […]

Environmental Tip – 4th Quarter

Cooking with a microwave – yes please!   Opinion is divided on the issue of microwaves – devil’s device or a useful everyday helper? There are a lot of rumours about micro-waves. It is claimed, for example, that they cause blood cancer, carcinogenic radicals in vegetables or de-nature water and food through their radiation. In […]

From ECOPROFIT to Sustainability Management

Was bedeutet Nachhaltigkeit?

From ECOPROFIT to Sustainability Management – 2. CSR Training Program in Hanover Successfully Completed:   At the request of the participating companies from the ECOPROFIT-Network Hanover, Arqum conducted – together with CSR Arena Hanover for the second time – the training course “From ECOPROFIT to Sustainability Management”. Sponsor of the project is the state capital […]

New Changeover Deadline for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001

Restriction of changeover period for ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015:   All certificates issued in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 lose their validity on 15th September 2018. This means it is now less than ten months before changeover to the new standard requirements! As the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) surprisingly announced last week, […]

Multi-Site Process for EMAS

EMAS - Geprüftes Umweltmanagement

The introduction of a multi-site process for EMAS – companies wanted for a pilot project:   The EU Commission is currently preparing an adaptation of the EMAS-user manual. The manual is expected to include a regulation, which will enable companies from selected (non-industrial) sectors with several locations to carry out an EMAS validation according to […]

ISO 20400:2017 – Standard for Sustainable Procurement

ISO 20400:2017 – Standard for Sustainable Procurement:   The International Organization for Standardisation (ISO) published for the first time an international standard for sustainable procurement in April of this year. The new ISO 20400:2017 standard is aimed at all types and sizes of organizations, regardless of their respective activities and should help to achieve a […]

Save resources with ECOPROFIT at the Oktoberfest

Ökoprofit: Umweltschutz auf dem Oktoberfest

Save resources with ECOPROFIT at the Oktoberfest: https://www.arqum.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ÖP_Wiesn.jpg In the anniversary year celebrating twenty years of ECOPROFIT Munich, a further 23 funfair operators, stands and catering businesses of the Oktoberfest and other public festivals have merged into their own ECOPROFIT group – in addition to the already ongoing ECOPROFIT starter group. For the businesses participating […]

Making value chains more sustainable

Abschlussveranstaltung des gemeinsamen Projekts von Continental und Arqum „Nachhaltigkeitsnetzwerk in der mexikanischen Automobilzulieferkette“

Making Value Chains more Sustainable – Continental and Arqum Complete Joint Project with Mexican Suppliers with Great Success:   The improvement of cooperation with suppliers in the area of sustainability is an integral part of the environmental strategy of Continental. A special focus here lies on awareness-raising, training and practical support for the suppliers in […]

Amendments to the Annexes I to III of the EMAS

EMAS - Geprüftes Umweltmanagement

Amendments to the Annexes I to III of the EMAS Regulation which came into Force on 18. September:   After the amendment of the ISO 14001 in 2015, the EU Commission has developed the annexes of the EMAS regulation further in order to maintain compatibility of the systems. For EMAS organizations there is a need […]

New Regulation for Emission Protection: 42. BImSchV

New Regulation for Emission Protection: 42. BImSchV – Regulation on Evaporative Cooling Systems, Cooling Towers and Wet Separators:   The regulation on evaporative cooling systems, cooling towers and wet separators (42.BImSchV) came into force on 19. August 2017. Moist exhaust air containing water droplets as aerosol rises from the above-mentioned plants. This can result in […]

Waste Management Regulation

New regulation for Waste Officers published – Requirements on specialist knowledge will be extended::   The “Second regulation on the further development of legal waste monitoring” was published on 07.12.2016. It will enter into force on 01.06.2017 and includes (in addition to the new regulation for disposal companies) the new regulation for waste officers. This […]

Amendment of the EMAS Regulation

EMAS - Geprüftes Umweltmanagement

The amendment of the EMAS regulation – Changes to content and deadlines at a glance:   Triggered by the amendment of the ISO 14001:2015, the EU commission has revised Annexes I-IV of the EMAS regulation and the EMAS user guide in the past few months. The main changes and user-relevant deadlines for EMAS are summarized […]

Raising awareness for environmental issues – No sure-fire-success

Raising awareness for environmental issues – No sure-fire-success:   Long-lasting improvements in environmental protection will only happen if as many people as possible change their approach, whether in a company or on a personal level. But can you bring about your colleagues or family members to be constantly aware of the topic and what principles […]

ISO 14001:2015 – Practical Seminar

We take it you already have a certified environmental management system and need practical advice on implementing the ISO 14001:2015 innovations? You are perhaps planning to introduce an environmental management system and would like to know about the central requirements of ISO 14001:2015. Or you want to find out what’s behind the new standard topics, such […]

Climate protection in companies

Model projects for climate protection in companies: Munich companies develop innovative approaches:   Advancing climate protection through innovative approaches! This is the content of “model projects for climate protection in companies” funded by the state capital of Munich. The European Patent Office and the Schreiner Group have currently developed and implemented interesting approaches. https://www.arqum.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/food_climate_logo_1000x650.jpg The […]

Software for energy and material flow diagrams

Beispiel für ein Stoffflussdiagramm

bw!Sankey: Program for generating energy and material flow diagrams for companies registered in Baden-Wuerttemberg:   Determination of potentials in energy and resource efficiency can be simplified with the help of the e!Sankey software. The software is used for the visualization of volume flows in resource efficiency. It supports informative and meaningful representations of flow charts […]

Flexible mobility

Flexible mobility – environmentally-friendly travel, even during train strikes: Whoever was affected by the railway strike during the last few weeks has certainly thought about alternative means of transport. Using your own car or a rental car was certainly not always a suitable alternative. Creativity and flexibility were required. At Arqum, for example, employees used […]

Back to the Sunday Roast

Back to the Sunday roast – Ecological aspects of meat consumption There is much discussion about meat consumption and its negative consequences in the media and with the public at large. Although the number of vegetarians and vegans is steadily rising, there is at the same time a continual increase in the demand for meat […]

labour law and environmental-protection law

Managers and supervisors are usually responsible for compliance with the health and safety at work and environmental requirements in your area, without this having to be specified in the contract. If, for example, hazardous substances are used in the area of their responsibility, or environmentally-relevant equipment is used, special care is essential in order to […]

The Waste Officer

You are responsible for the disposal of waste within your company? You want to make sure that all legal requirements are met? You would like to check whether you meet your obligations and take advantage of your rights? You want to discuss your questions/uncertainties with us? Then please visit our seminar! Target group: The seminar […]

Environmental stewardship in the supply chain

Nachhaltigkeit in der Lieferkette bei Vaude

Environmental stewardship in the supply chain – VAUDE und Arqum unterstützen Unternehmen in Asien beim betrieblichen Umweltschutz: Ein Ziel der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie von VAUDE ist es, die Zusammenarbeit mit Lieferanten weiter auszubauen, um gemeinsam Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Umweltauswirkungen entlang der gesamten Lieferkette umzusetzen. Hierfür haben VAUDE und Arqum das Projekt „Environmental Stewardship and Management in […]

Extended inspection obligations for refrigerating systems

Extended inspection obligations placed on refrigerating systems – Transitional period ends on 1 January 2017: The amended EU fluorinated greenhouse gases regulation entered into force on 1 January 2015. It affects a considerable number of companies. One of the things it regulates are the requirements placed on using certain refrigerants, for instance in refrigerating plants, […]

Hydraulic balance – also for your home?

Hydraulischer Abgleich

Hydraulic balance – also for your home? Is it worthwhile carrying out hydraulic balancing for a flat or a detached house? The heat check allows you to examine if this type of balancing makes economic sense where you live. What happens under hydraulic balancing? In practically every heating system water is used as the heat […]

Revision ISO 9001/ISO 14001 – Norm Published

Revision ISO 9001/ISO 14001 - Norm Published

The revision of ISO 14001 was published on Sept. 15, 2015. Publication of ISO 9001 is to follow on Sept. 23, 2015. German translations are not yet available. Companies can now be certified according to the new standards. A transitional period of three years has been granted, i.e. in this time, the “old” versions (ISO […]

Green IT – also at home

Aufteilung des Stromverbrauchs privater Haushalte nach Anwendungsarten der Jahre 1996 und 2001

Googling, downloading, streaming, chatting, gaming and saving information are indispensable in our lives. But how much energy do we consume for all of this exactly? While power consumption in the household has steadily decreased in the last few years for large appliances and lighting, consumption by electronic office equipment and entertainment technology is increasing more […]

ECOfit – a few spots left

Logo ECOfit

ECOfit – Last few spots for corporations and institutions in Baden-Württemberg : The core topics of ECOfit are the improvement of the company environmental and climate protection, thereby minimizing environmental impact while saving money at the same time. ECOfit is a funding program of the German Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, in which participating companies are […]

From ECOfit to environmental management system

Implementing an environmental management system with ECOfit – Environmental management in convoy: The basics of an environmental management system are implemented by the participation in ECOfit. Building on the ECOfit award, a certifiable environmental management system according to EMAS or ISO 14001 can be introduced in a further step. This further step is supported by […]

Current state of revision of ISO 14001

The revision of ISO 14001 is in the final phase. At the end of April, the competent ISO expert panel adopted the ”Final Draft International Standard” (FDIS) for ISO 14001. This final draft is now going to be examined by the national standards committees and is expected to be published in June. Thereafter, no major […]


Expiration of the GHS transitional period for hazardous substances on 1st June 2015: The identification in accordance with the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of the United Nations, which already applies to hazardous (pure) substances since 2010, now also applies to mixtures. There is therefore now a uniform system at UN-level for the classification and identification […]

“How to dispose of the old?” – Mobile Phone Recycling

A new mobile phone every two years – that is now normal. So what do we do with the roughly 70 million mobile phones gathering dust in German drawers? Not in residual waste – most people know that. The simplest solution is to return the mobile phone to one of the network operators (O2, Vodafone, […]

UFOPLAN research project

UFOPLAN research project “Amendment of EMAS III regulation – Development of German positions”: In the context of the UFOPLAN research project “Amendment of EMAS III regulation – Development of German positions”, Arqum is currently developing specific amendment proposals for the EMAS III law in conjunction with various interest groups. The aim is to supply the […]

The new EU F-gas regulation is in force

Under the new regulations, the emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) in the EU are supposed to be reduced by 70 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent to 35 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030. The existing requirements for the leak-tightness of refrigeration systems and the technical expertise of the maintenance firms remain in force. […]