Arqum GmbH - Unternehmensberatung für Umwelt-, und Klimaschutz, Energie und Nachhaltigkeit



International Online Training: Water Management in Azerbaijan

In collaboration with the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (AHK Azerbaijan), Arqum organized an online training course on water and wastewater management for companies from various industries, state institutions and municipal service providers. The course took place in several online seminars between mid-September 2020 and the end of October 2020.

In countries such as Azerbaijan, water stress is expected to increase in the coming years. Therefore, implementing water-saving and water-conserving measures is becoming more and more important to companies. In order to ensure future production stability, water supply and waste water treatment issues need to be dealt with today. The example of Azerbaijan also shows that there is a need to sharpen the awareness on (virtual) water consumption on a global level.

The aim of the online training course was to create awareness in companies for the sustainable use of water as a resource and to enable participants to implement concrete and effective measures for resource conservation in their own companies. The participants gained practical knowledge of the processes and structures involved in water supply, treatment and disposal as well as the requirements of a sustainable, operational water management and how these can be implemented in their respective companies.

Contact persons at Arqum: Thilo Baar, Philipp Poferl

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