
Initial successes for “climate-neutral BMZ 2020”

Initial successes for “climate-neutral BMZ 2020”

In December 2017, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) initiated the project “climate-neutral BMZ 2020”. Since January 2018, Arqum GmbH has been supporting the BMZ, together with their client “PD – Berater der öffentlichen Hand GmbH” (adviser to the public sector), in the strategic and operational implementation of climate neutrality for the locations in Bonn and Berlin.

The project group started at the beginning of the project with a contextual analysis of existing climate risks and relevant stakeholder expectations and their impact in relation to the project. In the process, the emission sources of the BMZ were analysed and subsequently quantified using the classifications of Scopes 1 to 3 based on the specifications of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. A speculative substantiality analysis showed the essential fields of action with the relevant focus topics.

With an extensive programme of measures, the main GHG emissions are expected to be reduced and the goal of the BMZ achieved i.e. to be climate-neutral by 2020. The programme consists of short-term, easy-to-implement measures that quickly achieve initial improvements as well as large packages of measures – such as an energy concept for real estate with high saving potentials – thus initiating permanent climate improvement through to climate neutrality.

In implementing the measures, the project “climate-neutral BMZ 2020” follows the principle of “first avoidance, then reduction, then compensation”. This means that GHG emissions that cannot be avoided or reduced by 2020 could be compensated by high-quality emission certificates.

If you are also interested in the climate strategy topic, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Your contact at Arqum: Ellen Leibing, Franziska Lueke


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