

Conference on Sustainable Business…

Looking back: Conference on “Sustainable Business Management for the Agenda 2030 – Business Contribution to the Global Sustainability Goals” on 9th November 2018 at the Federal Ministry of the Environment

How can companies make a greater contribution to achieving the goals of the German Sustainability Strategy and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? What is the current status of the business contribution to climate protection? And what opportunities and challenges will arise as a result of climate change for the business models of companies?

Around 100 participants discussed these issues together with speakers and panel participants during the first half of the day. In the afternoon, there was cooperation on a practical level in order to shed light on the following questions: How can EMAS be linked more closely with current sustainability issues such as the sustainable financial sector, climate management and supply chain management? What could integrated strategies for a greater spread of EMAS look like? And what role is played by the environmental policy?

In addition, the candidates and winners of the national environmental award “EMAS environmental management 2018” were honoured by the Parliamentary State Secretary, Florian Pronold, during the course of the conference. Organizers of the conference were the Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Environment Agency. Arqum, together with project partner adelphi, was assigned with implementation of the project. The results will be published soon in the form of a conference transcript.

You will find the presentations and input papers of the day in the programme.

Your contact at Arqum: Theresa Steyrer


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