Arqum GmbH - Unternehmensberatung für Umwelt-, und Klimaschutz, Energie und Nachhaltigkeit


Current work on the 14002 series of standards – Participation by interested companies possible

The first part of ISO 14002-1 is to be published by the beginning of 2020. In autumn this year, ISO 14002-2 on the environmental topic of water is to be published in parallel. Recently, the benefits, scope and key points were discussed in an expert workshop of the BMU and UBA. Companies are invited to participate in the design of the substandard on the environmental topic of water.


Companies that operate an environmental management system (not only) in accordance with ISO 14001 will receive support in the future in furthering individual environmental aspects through the new ISO 14002 series of standards (“Guidelines for the use of ISO 14001 to deal with environmental aspects and conditions within an environmental subject area”). It is expected to consist of various part standards each dedicated to a specific environmental subject area, which will assist in the management of environmental aspects/impacts and adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

The first part of ISO 14002 (14002-1), which contains general guidelines and the basic structure for the subsequent part standards, is to be published by the beginning of 2020. At the same time – subject to international approval – work on ISO 14002-2 regarding the environmental subject of water is due to start in the autumn of this year. To this end, a workshop recently took place between the Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Environment Agency with experts from 15 countries in order to discuss the benefits, scope and key points of content. Companies interested in working on the part standard on the environmental subject of water are invited to contact the DIN Secretariat (Dr. Wiebke Meister) (Contact).

Your contact at Arqum: Theresa Steyrer


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