
Das Klimanetzwerk "We4Zero" ist ein Kooperationsprojekt von Arqum, der Pfalzwerke-Gruppe und dem Cluster Energie & Umwelt der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar.

The heating season begins – how warm should it be?

Efficient heating saves energy and money. You can find out how in this article.

Now in winter, you quickly turn up the heating and it’s nice and warm in your office or flat. However, we are often unaware that the construction and use of buildings cause around 30 % of CO2 emissions in Germany (source). Heating German households was even responsible for 68 % of energy consumption for housing in 2019 (source).

In addition to modernisations such as thermal insulation and newer heating systems, both energy and money can be saved through environmentally friendly heating. Here, just a few degrees can make a big difference. By taking care to heat rooms differently depending on their use, you can make an important contribution to climate protection and reduce your carbon footprint.


In the living area, the Federal Environment Agency recommends a temperature of 20°C – 22°C. In the kitchen and bedroom, it may be somewhat colder at 18°C and 17°C respectively. In the bathroom, on the other hand, a higher temperature of 22°C is ideal. Overnight or when travelling for a longer period of time, the temperature in living and working rooms can be reduced to 17°C – 18°C (source). In the hallway, a temperature of about 15°C is sufficient and in the stairwell it can even be significantly colder at 7°C – 10°C (source).


According to the workplace directive (ASR A3.5), the minimum temperature in work rooms should be between 12°C (performing heavy work) and 20°C (light sedentary work), depending on the severity of the work. For offices, a maximum room temperature of 22°C is recommended.


To easily check the temperature, thermometers can be placed in each room and the heating can be adjusted to the ideal temperatures. Smart home solutions, such as the installation of programmable thermostatic valves, offer further possibilities to adjust the temperature.


However, despite all ambitions to reduce heating energy and costs, ventilation must not be reduced or stopped altogether. Regular ventilation, even in cold temperatures, reduces humidity and mould growth indoors and ensures higher air quality. Airing out several times a day for about five minutes is the most effective way of exchanging air.

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