Arqum GmbH - Unternehmensberatung für Umwelt-, und Klimaschutz, Energie und Nachhaltigkeit


Mit dem Gesetz zur Änderung des Energie- und Stromsteuergesetzes zur Verlängerung des Spitzenausgleichs verlängert die Bundesregierung den Beschluss des Koalitionsausschusses um ein weiteres Jahr.

Arqum launches new energy efficiency project in China

The aim of the network is the exchange between companies on climate protection.

After the “Sino-German Energy Efficiency and Climate Network” was officially and ceremoniously opened by the Taicang High-Tech Industrial Development Zone on 25 June 2021, the network has since gained full momentum.


The aim of the network is to promote the exchange between companies on energy savings and climate protection as well as to identify, analyse and ultimately implement appropriate measures.


In addition to facilitating the joint workshops, Arqum has now carried out ten energy audits at the participating companies. The potentials uncovered during these audits are now being further developed together with the companies. The results so far confirm once again that the network approach is also a target-oriented method in China to contribute to the national climate protection goals.


Does your company also operate a site in China where climate protection is to be improved? Our Chinese-speaking staff will be happy to support you both on site and remotely in all matters relating to energy and climate. Feel free to contact us.


Contact at Arqum: Philipp Poferl

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