Arqum GmbH - Unternehmensberatung für Umwelt-, und Klimaschutz, Energie und Nachhaltigkeit



The BMU/UBA Conference on “Sustainable…

The BMU/UBA Conference on “Sustainable Business Management for the Agenda 2030 – Business Contribution to the Global Sustainability Goals”



On November 9th 2018, the conference on “Sustainable Business Management for the Agenda 2030 – the Business Contribution to the Global Sustainability Goals” will take place in Berlin at the Federal Ministry of the Environment. It is concerned , among other things, with the question of how the central objectives around sustainable business management from the German sustainability strategy and the sustainable development goals can be reached. And also, what role the environmental management system EMAS plays in this. The conference will be organised and hosted by Arqum in conjunction with project partner adelphi on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Environment and the Federal Environment Agency. It is aimed at interested players in the field of sustainable business management and environmental management.

The first half of the day is taken up with lectures, a panel discussion as well as the award presentation to applicants and winners of the national competition “EMAS Environmental Management 2018”. In the second half of the day, four parallel workshops are planned to work on current topics within the context of the EMAS. This includes also the workshop “EMAS as an Instrument of Climate Management in Companies” hosted by Arqum.

For more information and to register, please click here.

Your contact at Arqum: Theresa Steyrer


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