
TA Luft 2021 nach langen Verhandlungen doch noch verabschiedet

TA Luft 2021 finally passed after long negotiations

The newly drafted Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (TA Luft) will come into force on 01.12.2021.

With its publication in the Joint Ministerial Gazette on 14.09.2021, it is certain: The newly drafted Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (TA Luft) will come into force on 01.12.2021. It is an administrative regulation that is primarily addressed to authorities and does not entail any direct obligations to act for plant operators. Nevertheless, the requirements may become relevant for operators in licensing procedures or through subsequent orders by the competent licensing authority within the transition period.


With TA Luft 2021, various EU requirements are transposed into national law and the regulation is adapted to the further developed state of the art. In the process, immission and emission limit values will be supplemented or tightened in individual places and de minimis mass flows will be reduced.


In addition, the previously independent Odour Immission Guideline (GIRL) is integrated. New types of installations, such as biogas plants, are also included in the TA Luft. Further amendments concern, among other things, the examination of nitrogen and acid deposition in FFH areas, the examination of nitrogen deposition, additional requirements for agriculture, and new requirements for measures to save and use energy efficiently. The originally planned requirements for the organisation of operations were not integrated into TA Luft in the end. However, requirements in this regard are being included in more and more BAT conclusions.


Within the framework of a compliance audit, we can assess whether changes are to be expected for your company as a result of the new TA Luft.


Contact at Arqum: Christian Heinrichs

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