
Das Lieferkettengesetz verpflichtet Unternehmen in Deutschland künftig zur Erfüllung von Sorgfaltspflichten in der Wertschöpfungskette.

ISO 9001:2015 – Practical Seminar

We take it you already have a certified quality management system and need practical advice on implementing the ISO 9001:2015 revison?
You are perhaps planning to introduce an quality management system and would like to know about the central requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Or you want to find out what’s behind the new standard topics, such as context, interested parties or competencies?

Target Group:
This seminar is aimed at quality (management) officers as well as those responsible for the introduction, implementation and development of the quality management system in the company.

The objective of this seminar is to get across the most important revisions of ISO 9001:2015. You will receive practical advice and conduct group exercises. A limited number of participants allows us to address individual questions.


  • Transition periods and validity of certificates in accordance with ISO 9001:2004
  • Presentation of the new high-level structure that will be the basis for all future standards for management systems
  • Presentation of the differences and similarities of ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015
  • Practical exercises on determination and assessment of internal and external topics (context), interested parties as well as of risks and opportunities
  • Outlining typical provisions on communication skills, competencies and awareness
  • Requirements on supplementing environmentally-relevant regulations in business processes

Participation in this one-day seminar costs 425.00 euros per person plus VAT. The costs include catering during the seminar.


Date Time Location
July 7, 2017 10 am to 4 pm Munich


You can register here: Registration form


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