
Bavarian EMAS-Kompass

Bavarian EMAS-compass completed on behalf of the Bavarian Environmental Office (Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt):

The Bavarian EMAS-Compass supports companies on their path to an EMAS-based environmental management system. The EMAS-Compass responds to questions such as: Where am I at the moment? What have I got already? What do I still need? How do I easily and quickly achieve the target? It is aimed at all companies wishing to launch the EMAS – irrespective on what basis they start off. Whether it is from ÖKOPROFIT / QuB or even without any prior knowledge in environmental management, the Bavarian EMAS-Compass is there to get all the companies to achieve the target.

These are the main constituents of the Bavarian EMAS-Compass:

  • Comprehensive work materials providing both a self-assessment processing tool and full environmental management documentation for adaptation to one’s own company. There is also a tutorial on how to use the work materials, making the start easier
  • Stimulating blogs summarize what the project partners have experienced on launching the EMAS and also provide an interesting insight into the practical world. Over 50 videos and blogs ensure that the steps towards EMAS are easily followed
  • A short film illustrates what the Bavarian EMAS-Compass is all about and why EMAS – even for small and medium-sized companies – is a „must“
    Just check it for yourself and visit

Arqum carried out the pilot project on behalf of the Bavarian Environmental Office as part of the Bavarian Environmental Pact.


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