
EMAS-Projekt in Südkorea

EMAS Global in South Korea

Introduction of EMAS Global in South Korea:


Together with the consulting firm adelphi and within the context of EMAS Global, Arqum is introducing EMAS for the first time to companies in South Korea on behalf of the German Federal Environment Ministry. For this purpose, four Korean companies are being supported in introducing EMAS under a convoy procedure. The participating companies are located on the South Korean Island of Jeju, where sustainable tourism and operational environmental protection will play a major role in future.×576.jpg

Consultation of the companies is supported locally by the South Korean non-governmental organization „Nalmannanunsub“. The relevant South Korean contacts will be supported in implementing EMAS by Arqum through webinars. During an “audit week”, the companies will be personally supervised on-site by Arqum employees. The four participating companies are expected to be validated in accordance with EMAS by mid-2017.


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